Our Victims Rights Lawyer Explains Victims’ Rights in Car Accidents

Our Victims Rights Lawyer Explains Victims' Rights in Car AccidentsNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that one person dies every 14 minutes in a motor vehicle accident. Additionally, more than 5 million motor vehicle accidents were reported to police, which involved the death of more than 37,000 people and injuries to over 2 million individuals.

Preventative Measures

A victims rights lawyer can explain that the frequency and severity of accidents as represented in the statistics mentioned above have led Congress to establish laws to protect motorists. Additionally, a victims rights lawyer can explain that laws have been established to help accident victims recover monetary compensation for their injuries.


A victims rights lawyer will discuss the accident with you and help determine the types of damages that may be available in your case. These damages are usually broken down into the following categories:

  • Economic Damages – A victims rights lawyer can explain that these are damages that are based on objective data, such as medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation treatment and property damage.
  • Non-economic Damages – A victims rights lawyer may define this term as injuries that a person suffered that cannot be assigned a specific monetary value. These damages include pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, disability, emotional stress and mental distress.

Claim Information

A victims rights lawyer may assist you in filing a lawsuit to recover the damages that you have suffered. The first step that you must take after being involved in an accident is to get the other party’s contact information. A lawyer may help prepare a demand letter asking for you to be rightfully compensated.

Contact a Victims Rights Lawyer

If you would like to know more about the process of filing a lawsuit, contact victims rights lawyer Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055.