Victims right attorneys know that surviving a crime is one of the biggest challenges you will face. You have made it through the crime, but now you must negotiate the days, weeks and months that follow. They will be difficult. At times you may be tempted to give up, but that’s why you need the help of a victims rights attorney.
What Is a Victim Advocate?
These attorneys are similar in many ways to a victim advocate. Victims right attorneys and advocates are highly-trained professionals who help victims make a successful recovery in the wake of a crime. Many people who choose to become a victim’s advocate have an educational background in social work, psychology or criminal justice. Some may also have a law degree, giving them the opportunity to provide even more helpful services to their clients.
Where Can You Find a Victim Advocate?
Victim’s advocates find employment through various offices and agencies. Some work in police departments while others are attached to the prosecutor’s office. Still others will help victims through social services departments, healthcare facilities, shelters and courts. There are even lawyers who take on this complex and important role. The services an advocate provides may vary depending upon where they work.
How a Victim Advocate Helps You
Regardless of where they work a victim advocate does everything to support people who have suffered a crime. You might think of a victims rights attorney as a shoulder to lean on while you go through a difficult time. Chances are good that you haven’t been the victim of a crime before. This means that you’re probably at a loss when it comes to what kinds of support and services are available. Your advocate may notify you regarding your legal rights and the protections the law grants you. You may also find it extremely helpful to obtain information regarding the criminal justice process from your advocate. Most victims simply don’t have insider knowledge of the criminal court system. Accordingly, they can gain peace of mind from a better understanding of the process. A victim advocate may also assist you with the preparation of legal documents and statements that may be used during prosecution of the alleged perpetrator. It’s important for you to realize that as a victim you have legal rights and a voice. Moreover, your voice can and should be heard by the court. In fact, your perspective is such an important part of the prosecution that working with a victims rights attorney is an indispensable part of the process.
Emotional Support and Healing for Victims of Crime
Working with a victim advocate can also help you get in touch with support services that you might not otherwise be aware of. Being the victim of a crime can have far-reaching consequences. You may find yourself wrestling with anger, fear, frustration and a number of other unpleasant emotions. Your victim advocate can help you find your strength through improved safety and security awareness and getting the counseling services you need to keep moving forward.
Contact Victims Right Attorneys
If you’ve been the victim of a crime, contact our victims right attorneys from the Law Office of Michael Fell at (877) 262-2430. We can protect your rights.